The beach is significant place that attract and invite a lot of tourists to travel in Thailand. Samae beach is one place that be very popular from the past to present. Now Samae beach is quite dirty from dropping some garbage of tourist and pollution from industry. There is shelter of sea turtles, so the number of sea turtle decrease from the past.

August 27th 2009, Mr. Veerawat Khakhay and team go to Samae beach to clean the beach and free sea turtles to the sea. The purpose of this activity is giving the chance to the Thai youth to see essential of sea turtles that its number is decreasing daily. This event was held for the 8th year already.
In my point of view, this activity is very good idea. It can increase the number of sea turtle and can attract tourist to travel the nice beach that without the garbage. It is conservation activity that be very useful for human and animals. The youth can learn essential of sea turtle from this event.