When artists, singers, or bands are very popular from a lot of people, concert is established to reply desire of people. Concert is very popular now. Concert institute in some area that have a lot of people such as Bangkok, Pattaya City, Samed Island, Samui Island, and so on. Every concert have fabulous stars, bands , artists, or singers to attract people to participate and enjoy. Concert is one of activities that gets happy and funny all the time.

Sony Music Thailand is establishing all-star concert with 10 next-generation musical idols. The concert is Sib Tem Sib - Concert Maximum Generation. The artist featured are Cutto of Lipta, Q Flure, First of Slot Machine, and so on. The concert will be held at Impact Exhibition Hall 1 on September 11, at 7 pm. Tickets range from 2500 to 800 baht.
I bring this entertainment news from www.bangkokpost.com. In my opinion, having a lot of singer in the concert is very wonderful. We just involve one time but receive happy and funny full time from a lot of singer. The price from 2500 to 800 baht is not expensive for 10 high quality singer from Sony Music Thailand.